Seal rocks to Camden Haven

Friday to Saturday morning leg. Seal Rocks to Camden Haven. We up anchored at 6:30 pm after a light dinner for an over nighter (nerves jiggling)

Beautiful night on the water with nearly a full moon. Frickin freezing by 3am. We got whale snot on our ipad and my phone when we had a very close encounter with a couple of whales that changed their minds about going under us at last minute.

The little one I swear touched us before freaking out like I did scrambling to get my phone going to take a video … alas I missed the record button and they left us with whale mucus everywhere. We heard lots of whale singing and I can only guess, conversations, going on. Awesome but eerie.

Sunrise YAY as we headed into Camden Haven at high tide, grabbed a mooring and hit the sack.

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